Ash Magnum, the Vampire Slayer, Pummels and Pulverizes Every Bloodsucker in Sight, Reducing Them to Nothing but Dust

Project Type Game
Project Status Ongoing
Project Duration 2 weeks
Time Period July 2024
Roles Development, Game Design, Artwork
Software Godot, Aseprite
Languages Rust, GDScript


Ash Magnum is a humorous turn-based strategy game centered around an action hero traversing Count Dorkula’s castle and killing vampires. It was submitted to the Pirate Software Game Jam #15.

The gameplay consists of a turn order that switches between the player and enemies. During the player’s turn, they may take one move action and one ability action for each character, and characters cannot move after using an ability. When the player’s turn ends, each enemy takes a move and ability action themselves, focusing on dealing the most damage from the farthest range possible to the closest character. Both the player characters and enemies also have a limited field of vision that can be blocked by walls (also known as a fog of war). When an enemy can no longer see any of the player’s characters, they will move towards a character’s last known position. The player wins by getting any character to exit the level through the door on the opposite end of it.

The game implements various algorithms including the A* algorithm for pathfinding and the symmetric shadowcasting algorithm for field of vision. Enemies also have an algorithm for their AI that cycles through all possible positions they can move to/use an ability from and chooses one based on a scoring system.



screenshot of Ash Magnum #2 screenshot of Ash Magnum #3 screenshot of Ash Magnum #4 screenshot of Ash Magnum #5