
Project Type Game
Project Status On Hold
Project Duration 2 months
Time Period February 2024-April 2024
Roles Development, Game Design, Artwork
Software Amethyst, GIMP
Language Rust


Underdweller is a roguelike turn-based dungeon crawler and strategy game that uses a hexagonal grid. Players can create a party of 2-4 heroes and delve into an ancient dungeon that serves as one of the only gateways between the surface world and the Land Down Under, a world deep below the surface filled with horrific creatures. They can select from 9 different classes, manage their stats, upgrade their skills, level their characters, equip rare loot and defeat difficult enemies in their quest to defeat the primordial entity Grimore and end its plague on the land. Dungeons are procedurally generated and all party members have permadeath. If the entire party dies, the player must restart from the beginning.

Each of the 9 classes has a skill tree in a 5x5 grid, meaning there is a total of 225 skills in the game. The game is very complex with multiple different types of weapon damage, stat bonuses and elemental resistances affecting combat. Each individual enemy also has random bonuses to their base stats. The game also used a deep analysis algorithm to calculate the best move for each enemy during their turn.
